Saturday, June 02, 2007

How easy to remember!

When you've been missing someone -- times goes by -- you still miss that someone (or plural) but you can't even imagine how much until they return! I'm estatic to hear her voice on the phone. We can meet for lunch. We can go to the mall. And this is two days in a row. I can't stopped being amazed! I can't stop the feeling of joy to know that we'll talk tomorrow. Now . . . when my friends are far away -- we do talk -- but not every day, but now "see you tomorrow." Or . . . "I'll call in the morning." Wow -- did I miss my friends. God keeps us busy -- and that makes the time at least "march" by -- not fly all the time, but now I'm even fearful of the good-bye. I can't get over how happy I am -- but I can anticipate the sadness already. Whew -- enough! I'm praising God for the minutes -- the hours -- the days we have together.