Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My identity

There are days when my identity is lost. I am lost in my uniform . . . I am lost in my job . . . I am lost in my own thoughts. Today I took some time to myself. And while reading some blogs . . .I was drawn to one by Ed Young of Fellowship Church in Texas. His blog was about taking time to yourself. Imagine! Now . . . I'm extra cautious about this -- lest some mis-use it and run away from work -- but today . . . I had some fun with friends and found myself again.

Monday, June 20, 2005


It's difficult to explain how I'm feeling! After planing, and planning, and preparation and preparation and committee meeting and more committee meetings -- it's all over! -- the family enrichment conference in Hershey, I mean. It was totally worth all the prep and planning, but now I'm feeling a bit "wind out of my sails." How to get over that ?? I guess talking about it makes it better -- but then no one ever reads my blogs .. . so most times I'm talking to myself -- which isn't a bad thing . . . but I love input (others, that is) and that element is missing. God certainly blessed the event, and I loved just a couple things especially. I loved watching an officer dance with his 8 year old daughter on the floor of the Giant Arena during Salvadore's concert. And I loved the Llama in the parade -- he was very cool. And the finale . .. on Saturday morning -- with NYSB, dancers and vocal!! Yahoo -- and confetti streamers, too -- this is praising for me. Hallelujah !