Monday, June 20, 2005


It's difficult to explain how I'm feeling! After planing, and planning, and preparation and preparation and committee meeting and more committee meetings -- it's all over! -- the family enrichment conference in Hershey, I mean. It was totally worth all the prep and planning, but now I'm feeling a bit "wind out of my sails." How to get over that ?? I guess talking about it makes it better -- but then no one ever reads my blogs .. . so most times I'm talking to myself -- which isn't a bad thing . . . but I love input (others, that is) and that element is missing. God certainly blessed the event, and I loved just a couple things especially. I loved watching an officer dance with his 8 year old daughter on the floor of the Giant Arena during Salvadore's concert. And I loved the Llama in the parade -- he was very cool. And the finale . .. on Saturday morning -- with NYSB, dancers and vocal!! Yahoo -- and confetti streamers, too -- this is praising for me. Hallelujah !

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