Monday, December 04, 2006

A wealth of witness

Today was a great day -- a party for all the NJ Retired Officers. It was a room filled with witness -- a host of witnesses! and what a wealth of witness. I am grateful to be associated with such gracious and generous people. they are truly a blessing to Gus and me. And each one prays for us each day. How blessed we are! And today is also tomorrow and a very special day for our best friend. Happy BD -- JMK. We still miss you.


Allison Ward said...

WOah your back on Blogger!!!!! I guess you figured out your password. Hope you are doing well..Will you be at the CMT on Sunday for the "Christmas Spectacular?" hope so :)

Messengerofhope said...

I don't recall ever meeting you - but I wish to comment on your recent posting "A wealth of wisdom."

Retired Officers are a treasure and a joy to be with. When I think of Retired Officers Commissioner & Mrs. Robert (Catherine) Rightmire come to mind. I became aquainted with them while on Spring Campaign at the Tom's River Corps back in 1995. He is a humble soul and she a woman full of grace.

Thank you for that reminder of them...Retired Officers.