Monday, October 29, 2007

The People of God

How wonderful it is to be with the People of God. Today's meetings at beautiful Star Lake Camp were just a stamp of approval upon God's People. I really do love working with God's People. I am surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses to the ministry of God. It's not everyday that people say that they get to go to work and just enjoy being with their fellow workers -- BUT I DO! Thank you to all those who make ministry so awesome and enjoyable.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I understand how you feel. I love getting up on Sundays and going to Church. I suppose the reason I feel this is worthy of writing down is that this hasn't always been the case. I feel God working here and it's wonderful to stand back and give Him the credit.

I had a rough first appointment (a lot of people do, I suppose) and I can recall lying in bed on Sunday mornings wishing I could just stay there curled up in bed. It wasn't a good feeling, but it makes where I am now that much better!